Plant the seeds in the spring. They should have rich, well-drained soil and enough sunlight. Water the soil before you sow. The seeds should be planted some 1 cm deep, and 2-4 cm in-between them.
Keep moist. You should see the sprouts in 2-4 weeks. Keep weeding while sprouts are small, otherwise they can easily "suffocate".
Good luck J
Plant the seeds in the spring. Do not grow them in full summer because they like cool weather 13 – 16°C. Plant it in good, moisture soil, in lines 6 cm deep (3 cm between the lines, 5 cm between the seeds). Keep it in warm place, water once a week. After about 12 to 15 weeks you will have first harvestJ Good luck.
----------------------------------HOW TO GROW THE ITALIAN SEEDS
Be careful ! Our seeds can’t stand the cold. Make sure they are protected from the cold.
You can either plant them outside or in a pot. If you plant them outside, plant them close to a wall so that they are protected. The seeds will need to grow half in the shade and half in the sun.
Plant the seeds in April or May. Put the seeds on the soil and then press gently with your fingers to drive them under the soil. Don’t put them too deep into the soil. Keep the soil moist.
The seeds from France:
Plant the seeds early in the spring. Do not grow them in full summer because they like cool weather. Growing period is between 40 and 60 days.
In the garden …
The soil must be free of all other plants.
Plant the seed ½ inch deep in the soil. Leave 3 inches between each seed. Leave one foot between each row.
Keep the soil moist during germination and weed the area frequently. Germination will take about 10 days.
Indoor sowing …
Use 3-inch diameter pots. Put moist potting mixture.
Plant seeds in the middle of the pots.
Depth : ½ inch.
Cover the pot with a plastic bag and place it in a 55 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit to germinate.
Remove the plastic bag once sprouts appear ( 7 to 10 days after sowing). Place the pots on a warm, sunny window sill.
Water when the surface starts to dry.
If you can, plant the sprouts to a full-sun garden bed when the plants have 4 to 6 leaves.
Keep the area free of weeds and weel-watered.
The seeds from the Czech Republic:

What will you need:
• seeds
• flowerpots for seeding – different diameter
• soil
• holder – stick different length
Seeds should be plant out in the middle of March. Put enough soil to a box for seeding, little seeds should be plant out next to each other 1x1 cm. After planting put a thin layer of the soil on the seeds (approx. 0, 5 cm), lightly press and carefully water. The seeds should be kept lightly humid in temperature of 25°C. After a month small plants needs to be put to small flowerpots (diameter 8 cm) – be careful, the top of the plant needn’t to be broken, otherwise the plant is not growing properly. When the plant is about 10 cm high, it needs a stick to be twine around (length of stick – 40 cm). All the time it needs to be kept in a light place with temperature about 20°C. The plant should be put outside after 15th of May to bigger flowerpot (diameter about 30 cm) with a longer stick – about 1, 5 to 2 m.
Základní škola T. G. Masaryka Mnichovice
The Norwegian seeds:
How to plant the seeds (indoor)
1. Use a small bowl.
2. Put a thin layer of either cotton or soil in the bowl.
3. Sprinkle the seeds on the cotton or soil together with water.
4. It will begin to grow within some few days.
5. Keep the soil or cotton moist.
Good luck
The best season is winter due to low temperatures or spring.
The springs push out after 15 to 20 days.
Use a small flower pot first with little pebbles on the bottom to let it leak the excess of water.
Any kind of sustratus soil you buy in bags in flower shops will do. Lime and clay soils are better. Peat or turf is good too.
Do not water it too much. In fact dry soils and weather is the best to stop fungus on the seeds. Water one a week to keep the soil dry for instance. It needs sun if possible also to keep dry the soil at first.
You can plan up to 15 together. I only gave you three each. So one flower pot is enough.
Don not take off the peel that protects the white core.
It is a slow growing plant.
Almos 100% of the seeds germinate.
When the plants are over 10 cm. Take them to a bigger pot. Be careful them. If you are not sure whether the plant is strong enough do not move it.
It should look like this:
Plants are like people. They need love, a bit of water, a good soil and thelight of the sand.
The best season is winter due to low temperatures or spring.
The springs push out after 15 to 20 days.
Use a small flower pot first with little pebbles on the bottom to let it leak the excess of water.
Any kind of sustratus soil you buy in bags in flower shops will do. Lime and clay soils are better. Peat or turf is good too.
Do not water it too much. In fact dry soils and weather is the best to stop fungus on the seeds. Water one a week to keep the soil dry for instance. It needs sun if possible also to keep dry the soil at first.
You can plan up to 15 together. I only gave you three each. So one flower pot is enough.
Don not take off the peel that protects the white core.
It is a slow growing plant.
Almos 100% of the seeds germinate.
When the plants are over 10 cm. Take them to a bigger pot. Be careful them. If you are not sure whether the plant is strong enough do not move it.
It should look like this:
Plants are like people. They need love, a bit of water, a good soil and thelight of the sand.