The Spanish town mystery

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The French town mystery
The Czech town mystery
The Norwegian town mystery
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School mysteries - task # 1
The Norwegian school mystery
The French school mysteries:
Guess names
1) There are French teachers in our school. Find their names : ________________________________________
Get rid of the Latin teacher. The other 2 teachers have 1 letter in common. ___________
2) There are 3 mathematics teachers in our school. Find their names : ________________________________
In their names, there is 1 common letter. __________________
The letter you have found is twice in our mysterious person’s first name.
This letter is also once in the mysterious person’s family name.
3) There is 1 Spanish teacher and 1 Italian teacher in our school. Find their names : _______________________
In their names, there is 1 common letter. The letter is repeated twice in the Italian teacher’s name.
This letter is twice in the mysterious person’s first name and once in the mysterious person’s family name.
4) There are 2 ICT teachers in our school. Find their names. Get rid of the ICT teacher whose classroom is number 111.
Find the name of our CPE ( she is the teacher working in the Vie Scolaire).
What is the common letter ? ____________________
5) There are 3 English teachers in our school. Find their names : ______________________________________
Get rid of the teacher whose classroom is 207.
The common letter is either the second or the third letter in their family names. _____________________
This letter is in the mysterious person’s family name.
6) There are 2 history teachers. Find their names :__________________________________________________
Find the history teacher whose classroom is number 118. The first letter in her family name is the first letter of the mysterious person’s family name.
7) Find our principal’s first name : ______________________________________
What is the sixth letter in his first name:_______________________
You will use that letter to find our mysterious person’s first name.
8) There are 3 PE teachers. Find their names and find the common letter in the 3 family names.
You will use that letter both for the first name and the family name of our mysterious person.
9) One cleaning woman is called Marie. Find her family name. You will need one letter in her family name. Nobody else in the list above has this letter in their family names.
What is this letter ? ___________________________________________
Mystery invented by Salima, Chloé and Sonia in 4ème1
Second part : the right floor
You have found the right building, you still need to find the right floor.
The floor number you are looking for is in the answer to this enigma :
- I am a whole number / integer number.
- When you multiply me with myself, I am still myself.
- When you add me to 5, multiply the result by 11, substract that result by 11 and then take off 5 to the number you have found, you will find 50.
What am I ?
Ask the map of the floor and the building you have been looking for to finish this enigma.
The Italian mysteries:
The name of Livia’s (Emperor Augustus’ wife) villa which is near our school
The Spanish school mystery:
The Czech school mysteries:
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School mystery final_2 - czech
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