Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Summary of G.U.E.S.S.

Gardens Unite European Seeds of Success

Each country sends at least one mystery for each topic. If a country sends more than one mystery, the other countries are free to solve them but it can’t be an obligation. Our mystery responsible person will be in charge of collecting all the mysteries (solved and unsolved ones) to keep in the mystery box.
Each country will have to go to the mobility with a presentation for their mystery so as to exchange and work face to face with the partners. The presentation will have to explain why this mystery was chosen and it will have to give the solution to the enigma. The presentation will aim at increasing the pupils’ knowledge of the partner countries.
We believe the project should be open to all students. There should be no barrier and everybody can participate in the creation and solving of the mysteries. We would like pupils to realize they all have skills and we believe they can realize this through cooperation and group work.
Objectives :
- Broaden pupils’ minds ( fight self-centered feelings)
- Create European consciousness ( students have to be prepared to work with other Europeans)
- Build a European identity ( prepare students for life in a Europe without borders)
- Motivation
- Learn more about other European countries
- Learn more about their own countries
- Communicate in a common foreign language
Topics :
Choose and create one mystery about our school (it can be a place, an object, a person …). This mystery needs to be ready for the first mobility but it needn’t be solved.
Mysteries N°1 (school) will be solved during the mobility week in France (October 18th to October 22nd) so as to work on methodology with pupils and teachers.
Choose and send one mystery about your town/city (it can be the city close to your school if you want). The teams will be working on the creation and the solving of the partners’ mysteries (Nov / Dec)
Choose and send one mystery about your country. The teams will be working on the creation and the solving of the partners’ mysteries (Jan / Feb)
Choose and send one mystery about history (it can about a famous building, a famous historical character, a famous painting). The teams will be working on the creation of the mysteries. They can also start working on the solving of the mysteries if they have time. This last theme will be solved during the mobility in Malta.
Choose and send one mystery about traditions in your country (festivals, national days, customs, habits). The mystery can be sent as early as June and it will be expected to be solved before the mobility to Italy. (Sept/Oct/Nov)
The mystery about food will have to be ready to go to Italy and the mysteries will be solved there.
Choose and send one mystery about modern architecture and maths. The teams will be working on the creation and solving of the mysteries. It could be a good idea to send a mystery that could be built (a drawing or even a maquette). (January / February)
Choose and send one mystery on geography. The mystery would be ready to go to mobility in Czech Republic. We would also conclude with gardens (bring the photos of the different steps of growing plants). (March / April)

ICT Tools to be used within the 2 year project:
To create AND solve the mysteries, one of these ICT tools will have to be used at least once.
- A word document.
- A powerpoint presentation
- A photostory OR windows movie maker presentation
- One recording ( podcast)
- One flashmeeting
- One video
- One voicethread
- One voki
Of course, the twinspace and the blog will be used all the time throughout the project.
! ICT training workshops will be organized for both teachers and pupils during each mobility.

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